Wallet Seed Phrases

Store your wallet seed phrases securely

  • Try not to confuse the purpose of seed phrases and passwords

    • Seed Phrase is used to allow you access to the wallet. If another persons gains your seed phrase, then they have full access to your wallet

    • Password are typically use in a wallet for signing transactions. I can restore a wallet to another device, then create a new signing password, if I had the seed phrase.

  • Use a metallic storage device for your seed phrase. Keep that in a safe.

  • Do not leave your seed phrases or password on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device! If you are compromised, if someone gains access to your system, if you get a keylogger unknowingly. All of these can allow the bad actor to get your seed phrase if you store it digitally.

    • CK_Wallet or Crypt Keeper wallet is a great option.

Last updated